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Anticipatory Adaptation Approaches to Climate Change--A Review and Discussion of Southern Australia’s Sustainable Water Management and Its Strategies and Shortcomings

School of Land and Food, Department of Environmental Study and Geography, Tasmania University, Tasmania, Australia, 7005
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Climate change issues has been discussed and argued for decades. It has been widely recognized that climate change will bring more serious issues to environment vulnerable areas than other areas. Southern Australia is one of the typical examples of vulnerable areas where water deficiency is enhanced by climate change. Although, this area has been successfully adapted with drought environment for decades, those shortcomings of strategies are highlighted by climate change events. In the interests of sustainable water management, Southern Australia’s experiences on possible anticipatory adaptation approaches, especially on mitigation of risks and costs of drought could be expected to provide recommendations to planning and management actions in the future.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 54-61
Cite this article:
CHEN Q. Anticipatory Adaptation Approaches to Climate Change--A Review and Discussion of Southern Australia’s Sustainable Water Management and Its Strategies and Shortcomings. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2014, 2(2): 54-61.








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Published: 28 June 2014
© 2014 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office