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Effect of climate change on the trends of evaporation of phreatic water from bare soil in Huaibei Plain, China

Man-ting SHANGPei-gui LIU( )Chao LEIMing-chao LIULiang WU
Hefei University of Technology, 230009 Heifei Province, China
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When the soil condition and depth to water table stay constant, climate condition will then be the only determinant of evaporation intensity of phreatic water from bare soil. Based on a series of long-term quality-controlled data collected at the Wudaogou Hydrological Experiment Station in the Huaibei Plain, Anhui, China, the variation trends of the evaporation rate of phreatic water from bare soil were studied through the Mann-Kendall trend test and the linear regression trend test, followed by the study on the responses of evaporation to climate change. Results indicated that in the Huaibei Plain during 1991-2008, evaporation of phreatic water from bare soil tended to increase at a rate of 5% on monthly scale in March, June and July while in other months the increase was minor. On the seasonal basis, the evaporation saw significant increase in spring and summer. In addition, annual evaporation tended to grow evidently over time. When air temperature rises by 1 ℃, the annual evaporation rate increases by 7.24–14.21%, while when the vapor pressure deficit rises by 10%, it changes from?0.09 to 5.40%. The study also provides references for further understanding of the trends and responses of regional evapotranspiration to climate change.



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Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
Pages 213-221
Cite this article:
SHANG M-t, LIU P-g, LEI C, et al. Effect of climate change on the trends of evaporation of phreatic water from bare soil in Huaibei Plain, China. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 2017, 5(3): 213-221.








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Published: 28 September 2017
© 2017 Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Editorial Office