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Experimental study on the vertical temperature and thermal stratification for subway station fire

Zeng LongMaohua Zhong()
Institute of Public Safety Research, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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Fire accident seriously threatens the stable operation and personnel security in the subway station, and thermal stratification is an important factor used to determine smoke settlement. Therefore, this paper carried out a series of model experiments by altering the heat release rate (HRR), fire locations, and ventilation conditions. The vertical temperature of the central longitudinal axis was measured, and the S value representing that thermal stratification characteristic was calculated and compared under various fire scenarios. The results showed that the temperature changing curve in the vertical direction was significantly affected by ventilation volume, but it had little to do with the HRR and fire location. The increase of HRR could influence the value of S by enhancing the upper temperature for the whole space and heating the lower temperature near the fire. In addition, the S value decreased with the distance under different longitudinal fire source locations, whereas the variety of S was not monotonical with the deviating transverse distance. And the larger ventilation volume was conducive to restricting smoke diffusion and improving the value of S. This work could provide data support and theoretical reference for controlling smoke stratification under subway station fire.


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Journal of Intelligent Construction
Pages 9180030-9180030
Cite this article:
Long Z, Zhong M. Experimental study on the vertical temperature and thermal stratification for subway station fire. Journal of Intelligent Construction, 2023, 1(4): 9180030. https://doi.org/10.26599/JIC.2023.9180030
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