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Currently, traffic problems in urban road traffic environments remain severe, traffic pollution and congestion have not been effectively improved, and traffic accidents are still frequent. Traditional traffic signal control methods have little effect on these problems. With the continuous improvement of communication technology and network connections, vehicle speed guidance provides a new idea for solving the above problems and has gradually become a popular topic in academic research. However, its generalization has shortcomings. Therefore, this paper summarizes the research on vehicle speed control strategies in urban road environments and provides suggestions for future research. In this paper, we summarize the existing research in four parts. First, we categorize existing research based on vehicle type. Second, the vehicle speed guidance problem is divided according to the problem research scene. Third, we summarize the existing literature regarding vehicle speed. Finally, we summarize the methods used for speed guidance. Through an analysis of the existing literature, it is concluded that there is a deficiency in the existing research, and suggestions for the future of vehicle speed guidance research are suggested.
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