To investigate, in basal ganglia, the factors associated with early neurological deterioration (END) of isolated acute lacunar infarction.
167 patients, in the retrospective group, with isolated acute lacunar infarction in basal ganglia, were defined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) defined early neurological deterioration as increases of ≥ 2 within 72 hours following admission. Baseline variables predicting END were investigated with multivariate logistic regression analysis.
In the study, END occurred in 42 (25.15%) patients. Lesions located in posterior limb of internal capsule were independent risk factors for END (P < 0.01). Associated with END were the age of onset, history of cerebral infarction, history of diabetes, systolic blood pressure at admission and lesions of cerebral white matter. This presented significant differences (P < 0.05). With or without diabetes and different lesion location at varying layers and inter-layers, single-factor and multi-factor analysis revealed no effect on the association between positive ENT and age, history of stroke, white matter. Previous history of stroke, pathological changes of white matter, and age of onset, correlates with END which showed significant difference (P < 0.05).
There is a close relationship between the lesion location and other related factors, such as lesions of cerebral white matter, history of cerebral infarction, history of diabetes and age, etc. and END in patients with isolated acute lacunar infarction in basal ganglia. Protective factors of END included age ≥ 65, high systolic pressure, stroke history, cerebral white matter lesions in our study.