1 | Postoperative deformity of left calcaneus fracture, left claw toe deformity, left common peroneal nerve injury | No | Postoperative deformity correction of left cal caneal fracture + first metatarsophalangeal joint and second interphalangeal joint fusion + external ring frame fixation | Remove the externa frame in 16 months | Second and third toe pressure ulcer, pin tract reaction | Fair |
2 | Post-traumatic shortening deformity of the right calf, anterior arch deformity of the distal 1/3 of the right tibia, clubfoot deformity of the right foot, claw toe deformity, malformation of the calcaneus of the right foot, deformity of the right talus, right Freiberg disease, common fibula nerve and tibial nerve injury | No | 2017.01.13: line of right tibia and fibula fracture malunion and right distal tibia valgus anterior arch deformity, supra-ankle osteotomy correction + external ring frame fixation;2017.07.05: line of right foot trauma after club foot and high arch foot deformity ligament releasing + joint fusion + external ring frame fixation | Remove the externa frame in 13 months | Necrosis of the skin on the posterior side, pin tract reaction | Good |
3 | Bilateral clubfoot defor mity, lumbar and sacral intraspinal lipoma, spina bifida surgery | 3 cm × 2 cm ulcer on the anterolateral side of the right foot, 3 cm × 3 cm ulcer on the an terior medial side of the left foot | Right clubfoot deformity, plantar fascia release + Achilles tendon release + posterior tibial tendon and fascia release + triple arthrodesis + external ring frame fixation | The external fixa tor was removed after 150 days on the right foot, but the left foot was not done | Pin tract reaction | Good |
4 | Bilateral severe clubfoot deformity with ulcer for mation on the back of the foot, sequelae of spina bifida | There is a 2.5 cm × 3.5 cm ulcer on the left foot and a 3 cm × 3 cm ulcer on the right foot | Right foot muscle strength balance + triple arthrodesis + external ring frame fixation | The external fixator was removed on the 103rd day after the right foot operation; the left foot was removed on the 86th day after the operation | Pin tract reaction | Good |
5 | Bilateral clubfoot defor mity; recurrence after correction of left foot deformity | No | Left calcaneal osteotomy + posterior tibial tendon and plantar fascia release + external ring frame fixation | The external fixa tor was removed on the 100th day after the opera tion, and the assis tive device was protected for half a year | Pin tract reaction | Excellent |
6 | Left foot varus deformity, right flat foot deformity, congenital spina bifida | There is a 5 cm wound rupture and a 1 cm × 1 cm skin break on the outside of the left foot | Left foot varus deformity correction + triple arthrodesis + anterior tibial tendon transposition + external ring frame fixation | Remove the exter nal fixator on the 100th day after the operation, and remove the brace after 5 months | Pin tract reaction | Good |
7 | Right clubfoot deformity, tethered cord syndrome, L5-S1 myelomeningocele | No | Triple arthrodesis of right horseshoe varus deformity + tendon transposition + external ring frame fixation | The external fixator was removed in the 6th month after the operation, and the plaster was removed in the 7th month | Pin tract reaction | Good |
8 | Spinal cord subacute combined degeneration, bilateral clubfoot defor mity | No | Bilateral clubfoot defor mity, external ring frame fixation | The external fixa tor was removed at the 5th month after the opera tion, and the brace was protected for 1 year | Pin tract reaction | Fair |
9 | Stiff clubfoot deformity of left foot | No | 2018.08.22: Left foot deformity correction + anterior tibial tendon transposition + subtalar joint fusion + external ring frame fixation;2018.12.20: Correction of toe deformities | Remove the externa frame in 16 months | Pin tract reaction | Good |
10 | Placement of external fixator for open fracture of right tibia and fibula; soft tissue defect of right calf; bone exposure with wound infection; wound expansion; skin grafting; clubfoot deformity | 3 cm × 3 cm skin defect can be seen on the inner side of the right calf, and bone exposure can be seen; 3 cm × 3 cm and 4 cm × 2 cm skin lesions can be seen on the right heel and the middle and lower part of the right calf | Removal of the right tibia external fixator + excision of exposed dead bone + external ring frame fixation + bone transport | The external fixa tor was removed on the 487th day after surgery | Pin tract reaction | Excellent |