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Since the nanomaterial has become one of the most popular topics, gold nanomaterials have always been a research hotspot. Gold nanostars (GNSs) as one of the formations of the gold nanoparticles has stepped on the stage due to its remarkable property. By using Turkevich method, Brust method, seeded growth method and seedless-based method with proper and specific modification, GNSs could be produced for different requirements. These GNSs present various properties under a proper modification: high physical and chemical stability, high biocompatibility and the ability of modification easily. Such enormous properties and the surface plasmon resonance of GNSs could be used for various-potential applications such as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection, in vivo diseases detection and therapy, drug delivery and release and so on. All these indicate that GNS is a valuable material in biological, phenomenological and optical researches.
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