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Advances in Nanosuspension Technology: Current Trends and Future Horizons

Nikita P. Mane()Bhushan R. RaneAshish S. Jain
Department of Pharmaceutics, Shri D. D. Vispute College of Pharmacy & Research Center, Raigad 410206, India
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Advancements in contemporary technology have led to the discovery of numerous medications with improved efficacy; however, their limited water solubility restricts their clinical use. Approximately 40% of drugs in development and 60% of synthesized molecules have low water solubility, presenting a major challenge in drug formulation. Generally, low bioavailability is correlated with poor solubility. Nanosuspension offers a potential solution to this challenge. When materials are transformed into nanoscale dimensions, they undergo significant changes in their physical properties. This review describes the various medicinal benefits of nanonization, the industrial production processes currently available, and the different dosage forms created with nanocrystals. An overview of existing nanosuspension products is provided, highlighting their advantages over conventional products and offering an outlook for the future.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 574-587
Cite this article:
Mane NP, Rane BR, Jain AS. Advances in Nanosuspension Technology: Current Trends and Future Horizons. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2024, 16(4): 574-587. https://doi.org/10.26599/NBE.2024.9290092
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