In recent years, extensive research and development have been conducted on renewable energies to overcome the problems caused by fossil fuel consumption. In the meantime, the production of hydrogen energy through electrochemical water splitting (EWS) has been limited by various challenges, such as high required overpotential. Additionally, other methods of hydrogen production may lead to environmental problems, such as greenhouse gas emissions. Effective electrocatalysts can significantly mitigate the EWS challenges. Oxy-hydroxide compounds possess unique properties that make them effective electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Additionally, the utilization of the electrodeposition method, a binder-free technique, enables the production of electrodes exhibiting favorable electrocatalytic activity and stability. This review article provides an overview of the challenges associated with the EWS technique, highlighting the importance of transition metal oxy-hydroxide electrodes in facilitating the HER and OER reactions. Additionally, the paper evaluates the effectiveness of fabricated transition metal oxy-hydroxide electrodes through electrodeposition and suggests potential areas for future research on EWS.
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