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The dry reforming (DR) reaction is an eco-friendly process for producing synthesis gas (CO, H2) from greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2). Despite advancements in various nickel (Ni)-supported catalysts for this reaction, achieving high catalyst stability against carbon deposition and improving conversion rates remain significant challenges. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for synthesizing uniform Ni nanocatalysts with cesium (Cs) and cerium oxide (CeOx). This synthesis is achieved using an automated device based on a co-melt infiltration technique. Our method addresses the limitations of conventional catalyst synthesis, such as complex procedures, low reproducibility, and difficulties in scaling up. The resulting catalysts contain uniformly small Ni particles, approximately 5 nm in size, with Cs and CeOx evenly distributed throughout the alumina (Al2O3) support. The developed Ni/CeOx-Al2O3 and Cs-Ni/CeOx-Al2O3 nanocatalysts demonstrate improved conversion performance and stability under various DR conditions. This improvement is attributed to the synergistic effect of Cs and CeOx, which creates a pathway to inhibit and remove carbon deposition. Additionally, these nanocatalysts exhibited superior resistance to carbon deposition compared to conventional Ni/Al2O3 and commercial Ni catalysts under identical reaction conditions.
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