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Review Article | Open Access

Progress and prospects of two-dimensional materials for membrane-based osmotic power generation

Javad SafaeiGuoxiu Wang( )
Centre for Clean Energy Technology, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2007, Australia
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The electrical energy that can be harnessed from the salinity difference across the sea water and river water interface can be one of the sustainable and clean energy resources of the future. This energy can be harnessed via the nanofluidic channels that selectively permeate ions. The selective diffusion of cations and anions can produce electricity through reverse electrodialysis. Two-dimensional (2D) materials are a class of nanomaterials that hold great promise in this field. Several breakthrough works have been previously published which demonstrate the high electrical power densities of 2D membranes. The ion transportation can be either through the nano-sized in-plane pores or interlayer spacings of 2D materials. This review article highlights the progress in 2D materials for salinity gradient power generation. Several types of 2D membranes with various nano-architectures are discussed in this review article. These include atom-thick 2D membranes with nanopores, 2D lamellar membranes, 2D lamellar membranes with nanopores, 2D/one-dimensional (1D), and 2D/2D hybrid membranes. The fabrication techniques, physical characteristics, ion transportation properties, and the osmotic power generation of these 2D membranes are elaborated in this review article. Finally, we overview the future research direction in this area. It is envisioned that the research on 2D materials can make practical salinity gradient power generation one step closer to reality.



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Nano Research Energy
Article number: 9120008
Cite this article:
Safaei J, Wang G. Progress and prospects of two-dimensional materials for membrane-based osmotic power generation. Nano Research Energy, 2022, 1: 9120008.










Received: 29 April 2022
Revised: 21 May 2022
Accepted: 23 May 2022
Published: 28 May 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Tsinghua University Press.

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