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Vacancy manipulating of molybdenum carbide MXenes to enhance Faraday reaction for high performance lithium-ion batteries

Xin Guo1,§Changda Wang1,§ ()Wenjie Wang1Quan Zhou1Wenjie Xu1Pengjun Zhang1Shiqiang Wei1Yuyang Cao1Kefu Zhu1Zhanfeng Liu1Xiya Yang1Yixiu Wang1Xiaojun Wu2Li Song1Shuangming Chen1()Xiaosong Liu1()
National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, CAS Center for Excellence in Nanoscience, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, China
School of Chemistry and Material Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230029, China

§ Xin Guo and Changda Wang contributed equally to this work.

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"Intrinsic" strategies for manipulating the local electronic structure and coordination environment of defect-regulated materials can optimize electrochemical storage performance. Nevertheless, the structure–activity relationship between defects and charge storage is ambiguous, which may be revealed by constructing highly ordered vacancy structures. Herein, we demonstrate molybdenum carbide MXene nanosheets with customized in-plane chemical ordered vacancies (Mo1.33CTx), by utilizing selective etching strategies. Synchrotron-based X-ray characterizations reveal that Mo atoms in Mo1.33CTx show increased average valence of +4.44 compared with the control Mo2CTx. Benefited from the introduced atomic active sites and high valence of Mo, Mo1.33CTx achieves an outstanding capacity of 603 mAh·g−1 at 0.2 A·g−1, superior to most original MXenes. Li+ storage kinetics analysis and density functional theory (DFT) simulations show that this optimized performance ensues from the more charge compensation during charge–discharge process, which enhances Faraday reaction compared with pure Mo2CTx. This vacancy manipulation provides an efficient way to realize MXene's potential as promising electrodes.

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Nano Research Energy
Article number: 9120026
Cite this article:
Guo X, Wang C, Wang W, et al. Vacancy manipulating of molybdenum carbide MXenes to enhance Faraday reaction for high performance lithium-ion batteries. Nano Research Energy, 2022, 1: 9120026. https://doi.org/10.26599/NRE.2022.9120026
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