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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) as the novel porous materials have the merits of diverse, adjustable functionality, high porosity and surface area, which have great application prospects in the gas storage, separation and catalysis. In addition, their derivates make up for the insufficient of electronic conductivity and chemical stability of MOFs and COFs, and provide a new ideal for accurate control of material structure. Up to now, many efficient electrocatalysts have been designed based on MOFs, COFs and their derivates for O2 reduction/evolution reactions (ORR/OER) and CO2 reduction/evolution reactions (CO2RR/CO2ER) in the metal-air batteries. In this review, the latest development of MOFs, COFs and their derivates in the metal-air batteries is summarized, and we discuss the structural characteristics of these materials and their corresponding mechanisms of action. By comprehensively reviewing the advantages, challenges and prospects of MOFs and COFs, we hope that the organic framework materials will shed more profound insights into the development of electrocatalysis and energy storage in the future.
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