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Charging-free thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle for electricity generation from daytime solar heat and nighttime darkness

Hang Zhang1Cheng-Wei Qiu2( )Qing Wang1( )
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117575, Singapore
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583, Singapore
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The extensive exploration of energy conversion harvested from the environment into electricity is recently driven by the significant demand to power off-grid electronics, particularly Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors. This highlight previews the latest advance of a charging-free thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle (TREC) for continuous electricity generation from solar heat and darkness with the aid of dual-mode thermal regulations. Such a spontaneous all-day electricity generation with high power and efficiency shows great potential for powering a wide range of distributed electronics for IoT and other applications.



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Zhang, H.; Wang, Z. Y.; Li, H. G.; Salla, M.; Song, Y. X.; Huang, S. P.; Huang, S. Q.; Wang, X.; Liu, K. P.; Xu, G. Q. et al. Continuous electricity generation from solar heat and darkness. Joule, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2023.06.009.
Nano Research Energy
Article number: e9120087
Cite this article:
Zhang H, Qiu C-W, Wang Q. Charging-free thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle for electricity generation from daytime solar heat and nighttime darkness. Nano Research Energy, 2023, 2: e9120087.










Received: 26 June 2023
Accepted: 03 July 2023
Published: 18 July 2023
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Tsinghua University Press.

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