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Original Article | Open Access

Extraction of Hemicellulose from Acacia Wood via Autohydrolysis and Ethanol Precipitation

HaiQiang Shi1,2KaiYuan Guo1YanNing Sun1Na Li1Jian Zhang1MeiHong Niu1QingWei Ping1
Liaoning Key Lab of Pulp and Papermaking Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, 116034, China
State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guandong Province, 510640, China
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Isolation and utilization of hemicellulose are important processes in the pulp mill-based biorefinery. Considering the potential end use of the hemicellulose, this study investigated the concentration of monomeric and oligomeric sugars in the hydrolysate derived from autohydrolysis of acacia wood and the obtainment of these sugars via ethanol precipitation. The rate of generation of monomers and oligomers increased dramatically with an increase of the temperature from 160℃ to 180℃. The maximum content of oligomers and total sugars was achieved under conditions of 180℃ and 10 min, 170℃ and 85 min, respectively. Interestingly, the maximum yield of hemicellulose via ethanol precipitation was achieved in a much shorter time, compared with the maximum yield of oligomer from the hydrolysate by autohydrolysis. A 6.66 g/L quantity of hemicellulose was obtained by intensifying the conditions of ethanol precipitation. The hemicellulose characteristics were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ultraviolet spectroscopy, and the molecular weight was determined by gel permeation chromatography and thermal analysis.



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Paper and Biomaterials
Pages 1-14
Cite this article:
Shi H, Guo K, Sun Y, et al. Extraction of Hemicellulose from Acacia Wood via Autohydrolysis and Ethanol Precipitation. Paper and Biomaterials, 2016, 1(1): 1-14.










Received: 29 January 2016
Accepted: 25 March 2016
Published: 25 July 2016
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