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Original Article | Open Access

Lignin Extraction from Black Liquor and its Application Prospects in Pulp Mills

School of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510641, China
China Light Industry International Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing, 100026, China
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This paper summarizes the possible application of lignin extraction from black liquor and the development of lignin extraction technology. Lignin extraction from black liquor is an important, economical method to resolve the bottleneck associated with the recovery boiler and achieve the targeted capacity expansion in pulp mills. A few of key issues must be taken into cosideration when lignin extraction technology is adopted on the industrial scale.



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Paper and Biomaterials
Pages 45-50
Cite this article:
Jin F, Wu S. Lignin Extraction from Black Liquor and its Application Prospects in Pulp Mills. Paper and Biomaterials, 2016, 1(2): 45-50.










Received: 14 March 2016
Accepted: 29 June 2016
Published: 25 October 2016
© 2016 Published by Paper and Biomaterials Editorial Board

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