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Original Article | Open Access

Polyoxometalate-loaded Nanocellulose Sponge as a Novel Catalyst for the Regioselective Hydroboration of Phenylacetylene

GuoQing Yang1CongCong Zhang1BiJia Wang1,2( )ZhiPing Mao1,2Hong Xu1,2Yi Zhong1,2XueLing Feng1,2XiaoFeng Sui1,2( )
Key Lab of Science and Technology of Eco-textile, Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China
Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology of DHU, Donghua University, Shanghai, 201620, China
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In this work, an amino-modified cellulose nanofiber sponge was prepared and used as a support for polyoxometalate (POM) catalysts with a high loading efficiency. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed that an Anderson-type POM, (NH4)4[CuMo6O18(OH)6]·5H2O was successfully immobilized on the sponge based on electrostatic interactions. Morphological analysis indicated that the POM-loaded sponge retained its porous structure and that the POM was homogeneously distributed on the sponge walls. The POM-loaded sponge exhibited excellent mechanical properties by recovering 79.9% of its original thickness following a 60% compression strain. The POM-loaded sponge was found to effectively catalyze the hydroboration of phenylacetylenes, yielding excellent conversion and regioselectivity of up to 96% and 99%, respectively. Its catalytic activity remained unchanged after five reuse cycles. These findings represent a scalable strategy for immobilizing POMs on porous supports.



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Paper and Biomaterials
Pages 1-9
Cite this article:
Yang G, Zhang C, Wang B, et al. Polyoxometalate-loaded Nanocellulose Sponge as a Novel Catalyst for the Regioselective Hydroboration of Phenylacetylene. Paper and Biomaterials, 2019, 4(2): 1-9.










Received: 21 February 2019
Accepted: 19 March 2019
Published: 01 April 2019
© 2019 Paper and Biomaterials Editorial Board

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