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Anderson-type polyoxometalate-based sandwich complexes bearing a new “V”-like bis-imidazole-bis-amide ligand as electrochemical sensors and catalysts for sulfide oxidation

Yue ZhangXiang WangYue WangNa XuXiu-Li Wang ()
College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121013, China
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By introducing a new “V”-like semirigid bis-imidazole-bis-amide ligand, 4,4’-bis(1H-imidazole-4-carboxamide)phenylmethane (L), into a reaction system containing Anderson-type polyoxoanions, three polyoxometalate-based metal–organic complexes (POMOCs) with different metal ions were successfully synthesized under solvothermal conditions. The as-prepared POMOCs [Zn2L2(H2O)4][Zn(H2O)2(TeMo6O24)]·9H2O (1), [Ni(H2O)6][Ni2L2(H2O)2[AlMo6(OH)6O18]2]·9H2O (2), and [Co(H2O)6][Co2L2(H2O)2[AlMo6(OH)6O18]2]·11.5H2O (3) show sandwich-like supramolecular structures. Complexes 2 and 3 are isostructural, having two [ML(H2O)2]2+ chains with [AlMo6(OH)6O18]3− polyoxoanions as pendants arranged in an interdigital mode to construct the sandwich-like architecture, whereas in complex 1 the anionic [Zn(H2O)2(TeMo6O24)]4− chain is sandwiched by two cationic [ZnL(H2O)2]2+ chains to generate the supramolecular structure. POMOCs 13 display excellent electrochemical sensing behavior for Cr(VI), Fe(III), BrO3, and NO2 ions and efficient catalytic performance in sulfide oxidation. The effect of the central metal on the electrochemical sensing and sulfide oxidation performance and that of the special architecture of 1 on the detection ability are discussed.

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Article number: 9140004
Cite this article:
Zhang Y, Wang X, Wang Y, et al. Anderson-type polyoxometalate-based sandwich complexes bearing a new “V”-like bis-imidazole-bis-amide ligand as electrochemical sensors and catalysts for sulfide oxidation. Polyoxometalates, 2022, 1(1): 9140004. https://doi.org/10.26599/POM.2022.9140004
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