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From confined growth to enhanced peroxidase-like activity: Nucleation of a phosphate-mediated FeIII–CeIII–oxo cluster inside the {P8W48} nanoreactor

Hong-Xin Sheng1Bo-Yang Lin1Chao-Qin Chen1Jing Du2Peng Yang1 ()
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Advanced Catalytic Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
Testing and Analysis Center, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China
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Novel structures of polyoxometalates can be obtained by confining the synthons within specific nanospaces. This capability is what the confined synthetic method excels at. Within the cavity of {P8W48}, a novel multicomponent cluster comprising cationic FeIII and CeIII heterometals and PO43− oxyanions was successfully nucleated for the first time. Alongside examining the structure and composition of this host–guest assembly, thorough investigations were conducted into the enhanced peroxidase-like activity induced by the Fenton-active metallic species. Preliminary studies on a colorimetric sensor based on [{FeIII8CeIII4O2(OH)12(H2O)8(PO4)2}(P8W48O184)]26− yielded promising results, demonstrating its ability to detect ascorbic acid with high sensitivity and specificity.

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Article number: 9140060
Cite this article:
Sheng H-X, Lin B-Y, Chen C-Q, et al. From confined growth to enhanced peroxidase-like activity: Nucleation of a phosphate-mediated FeIII–CeIII–oxo cluster inside the {P8W48} nanoreactor. Polyoxometalates, 2024, 3(3): 9140060. https://doi.org/10.26599/POM.2024.9140060
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