Novel structures of polyoxometalates can be obtained by confining the synthons within specific nanospaces. This capability is what the confined synthetic method excels at. Within the cavity of {P8W48}, a novel multicomponent cluster comprising cationic FeIII and CeIII heterometals and PO43− oxyanions was successfully nucleated for the first time. Alongside examining the structure and composition of this host–guest assembly, thorough investigations were conducted into the enhanced peroxidase-like activity induced by the Fenton-active metallic species. Preliminary studies on a colorimetric sensor based on [{FeIII8CeIII4O2(OH)12(H2O)8(PO4)2}(P8W48O184)]26− yielded promising results, demonstrating its ability to detect ascorbic acid with high sensitivity and specificity.
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