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Distributed Energy Sharing in Energy Internet Through Distributed Averaging

Yangyang MingJie YangJunwei Cao()Ziqiang ZhouChunxiao Xing
Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.
Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid, Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310009, China.
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This paper proposes a distributed averaging iteration algorithm for energy sharing in microgrids of Energy Internet based on common gossip algorithms. This algorithm is completely distributed and only requires communi-cations between neighbors. Through this algorithm, the Energy Internet not only allocates the energy effectively based on the load condition of grids, but also reasonably schedules the energy transmitted between neighboring grids. This study applies theoretical analysis to discuss the condition in which this algorithm can finally reach supply-and-demand balance. Subsequently, the related simulation validates the performance of the algorithm under various conditions.


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Tsinghua Science and Technology
Pages 233-242
Cite this article:
Ming Y, Yang J, Cao J, et al. Distributed Energy Sharing in Energy Internet Through Distributed Averaging. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2018, 23(3): 233-242. https://doi.org/10.26599/TST.2018.9010039
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