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LTSA-LE: A Local Tangent Space Alignment Label Enhancement Algorithm

Chao Tan( )Genlin JiRichen LiuYanqiu Cao
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096.
School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China.
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According to smoothness assumption, local topological structure can be shared between feature and label manifolds. This study proposes a new algorithm based on Local Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) to implement the label enhancement process. In general, we first establish a learning model for feature extraction in label space and use a feature extraction method of LTSA to guide the reconstruction of label manifolds. Then, we establish an unconstrained optimization model based on the optimal theory presented in this paper. The model is suitable for solving problems with a large number of sample points. Finally, the experiment results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the training speed and multilabel dataset prediction accuracy.


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Tsinghua Science and Technology
Pages 135-145
Cite this article:
Tan C, Ji G, Liu R, et al. LTSA-LE: A Local Tangent Space Alignment Label Enhancement Algorithm. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2021, 26(2): 135-145.








Web of Science






Received: 25 June 2019
Revised: 30 August 2019
Accepted: 09 September 2019
Published: 24 July 2020
© The author(s) 2021.

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