School of Mathematics, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
Sabre Lab Research Team, Sabre Inc., Southlake, TX 76092, USA
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In this work, we investigate a generalization of the classical capacitated arc routing problem, called the Multi-depot Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (MCARP). We give exact and approximation algorithms for different variants of the MCARP. First, we obtain the first constant-ratio approximation algorithms for the MCARP and its nonfixed destination version. Second, for the multi-depot rural postman problem, i.e., a special case of the MCARP where the vehicles have infinite capacity, we develop a -approximation algorithm ( denotes the number of depots). Third, we show the polynomial solvability of the equal-demand MCARP on a line and devise a 2-approximation algorithm for the multi-depot capacitated vehicle routing problem on a line. Lastly, we conduct extensive numerical experiments on the algorithms for the multi-depot rural postman problem to show their effectiveness.
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