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The core goal of network security is to protect the security of data sharing. Traditional wireless network security technology is committed to guaranteeing end-to-end data transmission security. However, with the advancement of mobile networks, cloud computing, and Internet of Things, communication-computing integration and cloud-network integration have been important technical routes. As a result, the main application requirements of wireless networks have changed from data transmission to cloud-based information services. Traditional data transmission security technology cannot overcome the security requirements of cloud-network-end collaborative services in the new era, and secure semantic communication has become an important model. To address this issue, we propose a cloud-network-end collaborative security architecture. Firstly, we clarify security mechanisms for end system security, network connection security, and cloud services security, respectively. Next, based on the above three aspects, we elaborate on the connotation of cloud-network-end collaborative security. By giving example applications, including heterogeneous network secure convergence framework, unmanned system collaborative operations security framework, and space-air-ground integrated network security framework, we demonstrate the universality of the proposed architecture. Finally, we review the current research on end system security, network connection security, and cloud services security, respectively.
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