The IUFoST Scientific Roundtable celebrated the International Year of Millets 2023 by convening an international team of experts to discuss the value of millets relative to agri-economy, nutrition, bioactives, environmental and our delivery on the global development agenda and its sustainable development goals (SDGs). The experts advanced critical analyses that suggested this semi-arid crop, grown primarily in the tropics of Asia and Africa can be an important contributor to improving food and nutrition security. Importantly, millets are a major source of energy and protein for about 130 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. Many in vitro and in vivo (mouse) studies plus a few meta-analyses and systematic reviews suggest millets and their respective components may contribute to the reduction of an array of non-communicable diseases, especially in marginal and harsh environments. Yet these kinds of evidence need to be substantiated by rigorous, well-designed clinical studies such that there is stronger support for millets contributing to global health. In addition, improvements and adoption of technologies that provide a low carbon and water footprint may contribute to consumer acceptance of millets.
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Anitha, S., Botha, R., Kane-Potaka, J., Givens, D., Rajendran, A., Tsusaka, T., and Bhandari, R. (2021). Can millet consumption help manage hyperlipidemia and obesity? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Nutr. 8: 700778.
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Shahidi, F., and Chandrasekara, A. (2013). Millet grain phenolics and their role in disease risk reduction and health promotion - A review. J. Funct. Foods 5(2): 570-581.
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Slama, A., Cherif, A., Sakouhi, F., Boukhchina, S., and Radhouane, L. (2020). Fatty acids, phytochemical composition, and antioxidant potential of pearl millet oil. J. Consumer Protect. Food Safety 15: 145-151.
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