Dietary polyphenols including anthocyanins possess strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and are known to help reduce risks of oxidative stress-induced chronic diseases. However, their effects on various aspects of the gut microenvironment towards preventing the unhealthy diet-induced metabolic disorders are still not well understood. The present study aims to verify the in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the anthocyanin-rich extracts of purple potato (PPE), using a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity C57/BL6J mouse model, and to examine the effects of PPE on LPS+HFD-impaired metabolic homeostasis and the underlying mechanisms. We found that PPE, especially at higher dose significantly improved the glucose and lipid metabolism, and reduced inflammation in the plasma and various tissues. It significantly improved intestinal barrier integrity, altered fecal metabolite profile and gut microbiota composition. Our findings provide new insights into the roles of highly-pigmented vegetable-derived anthocyanins in maintaining gut health and ameliorating metabolic syndrome.
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