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Research Article | Open Access

In Situ Root Dataset Expansion Strategy Based on an Improved CycleGAN Generator

Qiushi Yu1,Nan Wang1,Hui Tang1JiaXi Zhang1Rui Xu2Liantao Liu3( )
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hebei Agricultural University, 071000 Baoding, China
College of Foreign Languages, Hebei Agricultural University, 071000 Baoding, China
College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University, 071000 Baoding, China

†These authors contributed equally to this work.

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The root system plays a vital role in plants' ability to absorb water and nutrients. In situ root research offers an intuitive approach to exploring root phenotypes and their dynamics. Deep-learning-based root segmentation methods have gained popularity, but they require large labeled datasets for training. This paper presents an expansion method for in situ root datasets using an improved CycleGAN generator. In addition, spatial-coordinate-based target background separation method is proposed, which solves the issue of background pixel variations caused by generator errors. Compared to traditional threshold segmentation methods, this approach demonstrates superior speed, accuracy, and stability. Moreover, through time-division soil image acquisition, diverse culture medium can be replaced in in situ root images, thereby enhancing dataset versatility. After validating the performance of the Improved_UNet network on the augmented dataset, the optimal results show a 0.63% increase in mean intersection over union, 0.41% in F1, and 0.04% in accuracy. In terms of generalization performance, the optimal results show a 33.6% increase in mean intersection over union, 28.11% in F1, and 2.62% in accuracy. The experimental results confirm the feasibility and practicality of the proposed dataset augmentation strategy. In the future, we plan to combine normal mapping with rendering software to achieve more accurate shading simulations of in situ roots. In addition, we aim to create a broader range of images that encompass various crop varieties and soil types.



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Plant Phenomics
Article number: 0148
Cite this article:
Yu Q, Wang N, Tang H, et al. In Situ Root Dataset Expansion Strategy Based on an Improved CycleGAN Generator. Plant Phenomics, 2024, 6: 0148.






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Received: 23 August 2023
Accepted: 12 January 2024
Published: 12 February 2024
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