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Real time PCR based on Fluorescent Quenching of Mercaptoacetic Acid-Modified CdTe Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Specific Detection of Nucleic Acids

Daxiang Cui1( )Qing Li1Peng Huang1Kan Wang1Yifei Kong1Hong Zhang2Xiaogang You1Rong He1Hua Song1Jingping Wang2Chenchen Bao1Toru Asahi2Feng Gao1Tetsuya Osaka2
Department of Bio-Nano Science and Engineering, National Key Laboratory of Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology, Thin Film Key Laboratory of Education Department, Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai JiaoTong University, 200030, Shanghai, P. R. China
Consolidated Research Institute for Advanced Science and Medical Care, Waseda University, 513 Wasedatsurumaki-cho, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 162-0041, Japan
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A ultra-sensitive, highly specific, real-time polymerase chain reaction system based on mercaptoacetic acid-modified CdTe nanocrystals(mQDs) is reported. With the addition of 3 nm mQDs into the PCR reagent, the photoluminescent(PL) intensities of mQDs decreased gradually as the DNA templates and PCR cycles increased, in an approximate negative linear relation to the DNA concentration logarithm or cycles, the PL peaks exhibited red-shifts synchronously. Mg2+ ions decreased the PL intensity of mQDs in a dose-dependent means, and Taq DNA polymerase enhanced the PL intensity of mQDs in a dose-dependent means. Real-time PCR based on mQDs showed an increased sensitivity at least 103 fold higher than that based on SYBR Green I. The specificity of PCR was enhanced in the PCR reagent with less than 1.33mg/mL mQDs. The potential mechanism is also discussed. This novel PCR system based on mQDs has great potential in applications such as ultra-sensitive specific DNA or RNA detection, dynamic molecular imaging, and photoelectric biosensors.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 45-55
Cite this article:
Cui D, Li Q, Huang P, et al. Real time PCR based on Fluorescent Quenching of Mercaptoacetic Acid-Modified CdTe Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Specific Detection of Nucleic Acids. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2010, 2(1): 45-55.










Received: 15 January 2010
Accepted: 15 February 2010
Published: 05 March 2010
© 2010 D. Cui et al.

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