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Article | Open Access

Viability and pluripotency studying of human embryo stem cells labeled with quantum dots

Jing Ruan1Jie Shen2Hua Song1Jiajia Ji1Kan Wang1Daxiang Cui1Zheng Wang2( )
Department of Bio-Nano Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory for Thin Film and Microfabrication Technology of Ministry of Education, National Key Laboratory of Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology,Research Institute of Micro/Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,200240, P. R. China
Shanghai Institute of Digestive Diseases, Shanghai Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, 145 Middle Shandong Road, Shanghai 20001, P. R. China
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Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) hold increasing potential for cellular imaging both in vitro and in vivo. In this report, we aimed to study imaging of human embryonic stem (ES) cells labeled with quantum dots (QDs), and to evaluate the viability and pluripotency of human ES cells labeled with QDs. We used the Tat-QDs to label human ES cells, evaluated the cytoactivity of human ES cells labeled with QDs by CCK8 assay and Flow cytometer, and verified the pluripotency of human ES cells labeled with QDs by differentiated the human ES cells into hemangioblasts/blast cells and neural-like cells. The result illustrated that human embryonic stem (ES) cells were labeled with QDs and intracellular QD number was associated with the dose of QDs. Human ES cell viability, proliferation, and pluripotency were not adversely affected by QDs compared with non-labeled control cells. In summary, this is the first report showing the QDs labeled human ES cells could be differentiated into hemangioblasts/blast cells and neurallike cells. These results provide a promising tool for imaging stem cell therapy noninvasively in vivo.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 245-251
Cite this article:
Ruan J, Shen J, Song H, et al. Viability and pluripotency studying of human embryo stem cells labeled with quantum dots. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2010, 2(4): 245-251.










Received: 10 November 2010
Accepted: 06 December 2010
Published: 16 December 2010
© 2010 Jing Ruan, et al.

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