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Article | Open Access

Effects of Chiral Gold Nanoflowers on Polymerase Chain Reaction

Xiao ZhiXin ZhangPeng HuangDaxiang Cui( )
Department of Bio-Nano Science and Engineering, National Key Laboratory of Nano/Micro Fabrication Technology, Key Laboratory for Thin Film and Microfabrication of Ministry of Education, Research Institute of Micro/Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China
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In this paper, we reported that chiral gold nanoflowers with the concentration of 0.08 mM can enhance the specificity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and eliminate unspecific products, and the efficiency of PCR declines in some extent and the melt temperature of PCR products also raises slightly, which may be associated with the enhancement of the combining power of primers and ssDNA templates and the inner stability of dsDNA by chiral gold nanoflowers.The phenomena have great potential in applications such as ultrasensitive specific detection of DNA and SNPs.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 256-259
Cite this article:
Zhi X, Zhang X, Huang P, et al. Effects of Chiral Gold Nanoflowers on Polymerase Chain Reaction. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2011, 3(4): 256-259.










Published: 31 December 2011
© 2011 X. al.

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