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Review | Open Access

Current status on single molecular sequencing based on protein nanopores

Jiawei ShenYongyong Shi( )
College of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, 800Dongchuan Road, Shanghai200243, P. R. China
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In the 1960s, Hladky and Haydon have succeeded in detecting ionic flows across thin lipid membrane when adding small lipid-soluble molecules such as surface-active polypeptides to artificial membrane, which has laid the foundation for decoding single strand DNA when it crosses the nanopore under an applied electric field. In this paper, we will review several kinds of protein nanopores used in single molecular sequencing, such as α-hemolysin nanopore, MspA nanopore and membrane-adapted phi29 motor protein nanopore.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 1-5
Cite this article:
Shen J, Shi Y. Current status on single molecular sequencing based on protein nanopores. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2012, 4(1): 1-5.










Published: 31 March 2012
© 2012 J. Shen, et al.

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