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Nano-Scaled Particles and Fibres Occupational Exposure Assessment: An Integrated Approach from Air Sampling to Skin and Surface Contamination

Andrea Prodi( )Francesca Larese Filon
University of Trieste, Clinical Unit of Occupational Medicine, via della Pietà 19, 34129 Trieste
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Workers may be exposed to nanoparticles (NPs) by inhalation, cutaneous contact and gastroenteric pathways, but today there is no standardized method for either assessing or monitoring the occupational exposure. Moreover, there is no all-in-one assessment strategy, so it is preferable to consider different perspectives. Every assessment should be preceded by a preliminary analysis of the workplace in order to gather useful data on the potential exposure sources, which will help in outlining the assessment strategy. The purpose of air monitoring should be to characterize NP emissions and assess, as a minimum, the mass, particle number concentration, granulometric distribution, specific surface and chemical composition. There are several techniques which may assess these characteristics: the most used in real occupational contexts are mobility particle sizers, particle counters (optical, condensation, etc.), surface area monitors, while personal samplers are promising tools which still have been used almost only in research or controlled contexts. Skin and surfaces may be sampled according to the nature of substances and the circumstances of exposure. Sampling methods can be divided in three main categories: interception (e.g. carbon tabs), removal (e.g. adhesive tape stripping, wiping), in situ methods (e.g. UV fluorescence). Chemical analysis methods (e.g. spectroscopy) and electron microscopy techniques may enhance available data. Considering the available information, we suggest a stepwise approach for risk assessment composed of three steps, starting from a quick and relatively cheap screening method to assess exposure, followed by 2 gradually more accurate but costly approaches to perform whether a significant exposure is detected.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 91-104
Cite this article:
Prodi A, Filon FL. Nano-Scaled Particles and Fibres Occupational Exposure Assessment: An Integrated Approach from Air Sampling to Skin and Surface Contamination. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2016, 8(2): 91-104.










Received: 16 May 2016
Accepted: 15 June 2016
Published: 27 June 2016
© 2016 Andrea Prodi, Francesca Larese Filon.

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