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Prediction and suppression of chatter in the milling process of the structures with low-rigidity: A review

Xuebin DANGMin WAN()Yun YANG
State IJR Center of Design and Additive Manufacturing, School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China

Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of JAMST

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Milling is widely used to machine the structures with low-rigidity in the astronautic and aeronautic industries, while chatter vibration, which is a great limitation and a serious problem, occurs easily in this kind of process due to the weak stiffness of the structures. To solve the machining problems caused by chatter, prediction and suppression are two important methods that are commonly used by researchers and industry engineers. This article reviews the study progresses on the prediction and suppression of the chatter occurring in milling process of the low-rigidity structure. The dynamic model, acquisition of dynamic parameters, and suppression techniques are introduced. Besides, the problems and the outlooks of the future coming research topics are also given in the conclusions.



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Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology
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DANG X, WAN M, YANG Y. Prediction and suppression of chatter in the milling process of the structures with low-rigidity: A review. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2021, 1(3): 2021010. https://doi.org/10.51393/j.jamst.2021010
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