The cross-generational development of aviation products, promoting carbon fiber reinforced composite materials to be gradually upgraded from the secondary bearing structure to the primary bearing functional structure. Assembly as the final manufacturing link, determines the final service performance of CFRP structures. The complexity of aviation products and the anisotropy of materials require highperformance mechanical connections in assembly. This article focuses on the technical connotation of high-performance mechanical connection of aviation CFRP structure, summarizing the academic development trend and the existing problems on the aspects of connection accuracy and damage. In terms of accuracy analysis and control, combined with aircraft product characteristics and assembly process, theories and methods related to its modeling, transmission and control were summarized. In terms of damage analysis and damage control, combined with the characteristics of CFRP and the process of hole-making and connection, the related theories and methods of damage initiation, transmission and control were summarized. On this basis, the development trend of high-performance connection of aviation CFRP structure was analyzed and the development trend of the critical technology of high-performance mechanical connection of aviation CFRP structure was summarized.
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