Advanced virtual manufacturing systems refer to highly sophisticated computer-based systems which simulate and optimize manufacturing processes in a virtual environment. Recently, many researchers have presented research works in different areas of simulation and analysis of manufacturing process in virtual environments such as cloud manufacturing, virtual training systems, virtual inspection systems, virtual process planning, flexible manufacturing systems, virtual manufacturing networks, virtual monitoring systems, virtual manufacturing for optimized production process, virtual machining systems and virtual commissioning systems. The advantages of virtual manufacturing systems include improving the quality of the produced components, decreasing the quantity of waste materials and accelerate product and process design using virtual simulation and modification. As a result, accuracy as well as efficiency in process of part manufacturing can be increased by applying the virtual environments to manufacturing operations. Moreover, digital marketing by using virtual manufacturing systems can increase the added value in the process of part production. To analyze and modify the processes of part production, recent achievements in virtual manufacturing systems are reviewed and presented in the study. The applications of virtual manufacturing systems in creating manufacturing processes are discussed, and future research works are also proposed. It has been discovered that reviewing and evaluating recent achievements in the published papers can promote the process of manufacturing engineering using virtual simulation and modification.
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