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Towards Industrial Metaverse: Opportunities and challenges

Sihan HUANGa,b,( )Haiwei LUOcPai ZHENGdNi MAaJianpeng CHENaGuangyu MOaShikai JINGaGuoxin WANGa,bYan YANa,b
School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Key Laboratory of Industry Knowledge & Data Fusion Technology and Application, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Capital Aerospace Machinery Corporation Limited, Beijing 100076, China
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of JAMST

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In recent years, the emergence of the Metaverse has created a significant impact worldwide. It represents the ultimate application of the latest information and communication technologies, introducing a brand new digital world to our society. With the industry sector being the core engine of our society, it holds the key to unlocking the potential of Metaverse application, particularly in the form of an Industrial Metaverse. The success of the Industrial Metaverse will greatly contribute to the overall development of the Metaverse. Therefore, this paper conducts a survey on the Metaverse to gather evidence of the growing trend towards an Industrial Metaverse. Furthermore, the key technologies required for implementing an Industrial Metaverse are analyzed. Lastly, the opportunities and challenges associated with the Industrial Metaverse are discussed.


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Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology
Cite this article:
HUANG S, LUO H, ZHENG P, et al. Towards Industrial Metaverse: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2023, 3(4): 2023011.










Received: 22 May 2023
Revised: 15 June 2023
Accepted: 01 August 2023
Published: 15 October 2023
©2023 JAMST

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