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Fracture prediction using damage models for incremental sheet forming process: A brief review

Kai ZHANGa( )Yuqing HUaMingchuan WANGbZhenming YUEcBing LIUaChunjian SUa( )
College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
Sino-French Engineer School, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai 264209, China
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Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) technology is a flexible and promising manufacturing technology to manufacture desired shape of sheet metals without using specific dies. The sheet subjected to incremental forming undergoes continuous deformation and frequently fails by fracture. In order to improve the formability, simulation of the ISF process until rupture of the sheet is essential. This paper provides a brief review on fracture prediction of incremental forming process based on uncoupled and coupled damage models, the predictive capability the of damage models in ISF process is compared via forming depth, final shape and crack paths. In addition, the theoretical aspects of various damage models are given in details, the merits and drawbacks of the damage models are carefully discussed. Finally, the paper offers insights into achieving high-quality, defect-free parts using incremental forming technology and highlights future trend in simulation of facture in ISF process.



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Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology
Article number: 2025011
Cite this article:
ZHANG K, HU Y, WANG M, et al. Fracture prediction using damage models for incremental sheet forming process: A brief review. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2024,










Received: 20 July 2024
Revised: 05 August 2024
Accepted: 27 August 2024
Published: 06 September 2024
© 2025 JAMST

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