During the subtracting manufacturing process, a significant amount of machining chips is produced. In light of current resource shortages and environmental protection pressures, it is essential to implement efficient recycling strategies for the large quantities of chips. For this purpose, this article reviewed the conversion of chips generated during the machining process into powder and its application in laser cladding. On one hand, the various production methods for chip-to-powder were reviewed and the differences between gas-atomized powder and ball-milled powder from cutting chips were compared. On the other hand, the performance characteristics of cladding layers made from chip-regenerated powder were further discussed and the highlights methods to improve the properties of laser cladding layers were analyzed, such as the addition of rare earth elements and also the use of external field-assisted laser cladding including electromagnetic, ultrasonic, as well as heat treatments. The ultimate goal of this review is to use the chip-generated powder in laser cladding to achieve high-performance cladding layers.
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