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Measurement of ATGL activity using adiposomes

Xuejing Ma1,2,3Zelun Zhi1Shuyan Zhang1,4,5( )Pingsheng Liu1,2( )
National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, CAS Center for Excellence in Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Department of Life Sciences, Cangzhou Normal University, Cangzhou 061001, Hebei, China
Institute of Infectious Diseases, Beijing Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100015, China
Beijing Institute of Infectious Diseases, Beijing 100015, China
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Adipose triacylglycerol lipase (ATGL) is a dynamic lipid droplet-associated protein involved in cellular lipolysis, which is conserved from bacteria to humans. Recent methods that measure the enzymatic activity of ATGL in vitro are established using lipid emulsions. However, the lipid emulsion platforms contain various membranous structures which reduce the accuracy of enzymatic activity determination. Therefore, a new platform and corresponding method are required for accurate measurement of ATGL enzymatic activity that represents cellular lipid and energy homeostasis. Adiposomes are artificial lipid nanostructures mimicking lipid droplets. Employing adiposome as a platform, we have developed an assay to measure the enzymatic activity of ATGL in vitro. Here, a detailed protocol is described to explain how to measure the activity of ATGL using adiposomes. This method successfully proves the concept of lipid droplet-mimetic lipase activity determining platform and provides a tool to identify the active sites of lipases.



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Biophysics Reports
Pages 3-14
Cite this article:
Ma X, Zhi Z, Zhang S, et al. Measurement of ATGL activity using adiposomes. Biophysics Reports, 2023, 9(1): 3-14.












Received: 27 July 2022
Accepted: 13 January 2023
Published: 28 February 2023
© The Author(s) 2023

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