The thermo-physical properties of Inorganic-organic Hybrid Phenolic Aerogel Composites (IPC) are difficult to be accurately measured, due to the dynamic changes during carbonization. A new method to predict the thermo- physical properties of IPC during carbonization is proposed based on the measured information, by solving transient nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems. The modified gradient-based algorithm is applied to solving the transient nonlinear inverse heat conduction problem, to predict the temperature-dependent thermo-physical properties. To improve the accuracy, the complex variable-differentiation method is introduced to calculate the sensitivity coefficient matrix. The results show that the proposed algorithm has better stability, accuracy and efficiency than the conventional gradient algorithm in solving transient nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems, and the calculation time is reduced from 75 s to 35 s. The relative error between the calculated temperatures and measurements is 3.279%, and the present algorithm has high accuracy in predicting the effective thermal conductivity of IPC during carbonization. This work provides an effective method for the determination of the high temperature thermo-physical properties of thermal protection materials, and provides the key parameters for the engineering design of charring thermal protection materials.