Avian Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles covering all aspects of ornithology, including, but not limited to:
- Conservation biology
- Behavioral ecology
- Evolutionary ecology
- Phylogenetics, systematics and genomics
- Biogeography
- Population and community ecology
- Migration and movement ecology
- Breeding and reproductive biology
- Physiological ecology
- New technology and methodology
Theoretical, applied and interdisciplinary papers are equally welcome. The journal prefers concise, well-written papers focusing on precisely framed questions or hypotheses. Purely observational or descriptive papers have a low chance of acceptance.
Avian Research mainly publishes research articles and reviews. Although the journal publishes other types like correspondences and short notes at times, direct submission of such types of manuscript is not advised.
The rigorous peer-review helps raise the academic level of the journal and has led the journal being indexed in such databases as SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), Scopus, DOAJ, Zoological Record, and CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database).
As an open access journal, Avian Research benefits authors from publishing high quality contents on ScienceDirect that will be internationally accessible at no cost, quality peer-review, easy online submission and fast publication upon acceptance.