Acta Meteorologica Sinica Publishing Language: Chinese Editor-in-Chief: TAN Zhemin
About Journal
Basic Information

Acta Meteorologica Sinica (in Chinese with English abstract)

ISSN 0577-6619 CN 11-2006/P Bimonthly

Started from 1925

Sponsor: Chinese Meteorological Society (CMS)

Publisher: Acta Meteorologica Sinica Press of the CMS

Administrative affiliation: China Meteorological Administration

Chinese Website:

English Website:

Chief Editor: TAN Zhemin


History of AMS

The Bulletin of the Chinese Meteorological Society (BCMS) was officially launched in Qingdao, China in July 1925. Edited and published yearly, it was then the only academic-oriented meteorological journal in China. In July 1935, BCMS was renamed as Meteorological Magazine, with consecutive volume number and monthly publication frequency. Before 1937, Meteorological Magazine was published regularly with more contents and increased subscriptions, leading to wide exchange of meteorological knowledge and ideas. When the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out, the journal was forced to cease publication for three years. In 1941, the CMS Editorial Committee strived to resume the publication of the journal, with a new name—Acta Meteorologica Sinica, which has been the name of this journal (Chinese Edition) from the 15th volume till now.

Well known in China, Acta Meteorologica Sinica (AMS) started its first issue in July 1925 and its English Edition in 1987 (The English Edition of AMS was renamed as Journal of Meteorological Research (JMR) in 2014, which accepts direct English submissions without accompanying Chinese version). Chief Editors for this prestigious journal include TU Chang-wang, JAW Jeou-jang, YEH Tu-cheng, etc. With a publication history of 90 years, AMS has uniquely witnessed the development and advance of meteorological/atmospheric sciences and operation in China. As a top-level academic journal in the field of meteorology, AMS has published a considerable number of leading and innovative papers, making it the most valuable reference in the atmospheric science and technology research in China.

Aims and Scope

AMS publishes the latest achievements and developments in the field of atmospheric sciences and related disciplines such as geophysics and environmental sciences. AMS covers a broad range of topics such as:

global climate change,


Tibetan Plateau meteorology,

earth system modeling,

atmospheric chemistry and environment,

radar and satellite meteorology,

atmospheric sounding and remote sensing,

boundary layer meteorology,

aerosols, clouds, and air pollution,

weather modification,

agricultural and forest meteorology,

and so on.