iRADIOLOGY Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Zhen Cheng
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Copyright & Permission
Copyright & Licensing

iRADIOLOGY is an Open Access journal: authors of accepted papers pay an Article Publication Charge (APC waived currently) and their papers are published under a Creative Commons license. This journal uses the CC-BY/CC-BY-NC/CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons License. Note that certain funders mandate a particular type of CC license be used.

Open Access Licensing and Copyright

 iRADIOLOGY articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.  The CC-BY license permits commercial and non-commercial re-use of an open access article, as long as the author is properly attributed. To find out what licenses iRADIOLOGY offers, please consult the Author Compliance Tool.  For more information about the licenses offered by this journal, please visit the Wiley Author Services.