Technology Review for Carbon Neutrality Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Kebin He, Michael B. McElroy
Editorial Board
Kebin He


Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Prof. He is Dean of the Institute for Carbon Neutrality and Professor of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University. He is a Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He serves as the Vice Chairman of the National Expert Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection in China. His research interests include complex air pollution, coordinated control of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon neutrality system. He was listed as Highly Cited Chinese Researcher by Elsevier (2014-2021) and Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics (2018-2021).

Michael B. McElroy


Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Prof. McElroy is Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science, the American Association for the Advanced of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and Royal Irish Academy of Arts and Science. He has served at Harvard University as founding Chair of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences as well as Chair of Harvard-China Project. His research interests include atomic physics, planetary science, atmospheric chemistry, climate science, global climate change mitigation, power and energy science and policy, and the challenges posed for sustainable development in China.

Editorial Board Members

Energy, Environment & Climate Policy

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Arthur P.J. Mol

Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, Netherlands

Prof. Mol is Rector Magnificus and Vice-President of the Executive Board at Wageningen University & Research. His core research themes include globalization, social theory and environmental issues, ecological modernization, sustainable production and consumption, information-based management and urban environmental management. He conducts research on several continents.

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Kejun Jiang

Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing, China

Prof. Jiang is Researcher, Chief Scientist, and former Director of the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission in China. Dr. Jiang was a lead author for the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. His research interests include energy and emissions scenarios, energy and fuel tax assessment, and energy policy assessment. He received his Ph.D. in Social Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology.


Energy Efficiency

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Nan Zhou

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA

Dr. Zhou is a Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She has led many international programs at LBNL on energy efficiency and greenhouse gas mitigation, often focused on China. Dr. Zhou is currently the Technical Program Manager for the Net Zero World Action Center. Dr. Zhou’s expertise includes integrated energy system and emission modeling, energy efficiency for end use sectors in buildings, appliances, industry and transport; and on microgrids/distributed energy resources as well as low carbon/smart city development. 


Energy Storage

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Yulong Ding 

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

Prof. Ding is Professor and Founding Chair of the School of Chemical Engineering at University of Birmingham. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is the founder of UoB Centre for Energy Storage, and currently leads the UoB thermal energy conversion and storage group, and industrial decarbonisation taskforce. He has published 550+ technical papers with 450+ in peer-reviewed journals and filed 100+ patents.


Industrial Decarbonization

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Markus Kraft

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Prof. Kraft is Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute. He also serves as the Director of the Singapore-Cambridge CREATE Research Centre. He has a strong interest in the area of computational modelling and optimization targeted towards developing carbon abatement and emissions reduction technologies for the automotive, power and chemical industries.


Low-, Zero- & Negative- Carbon Materials

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Aaron Moment 

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA

Prof. Moment is Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA. His research interests include applying advances in sensing, imaging, modeling, simulation, and materials to devise more reliable, efficient, safer processes for fine chemical, pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products. Prof. Moment spent 16 years in the pharmaceutical industry as a chemical engineer at Merck & Co. and DuPont Pharmaceuticals before joining Columbia University and later UCLA. He was a member of the 2006 and 2010 USPA Presidential Green Chemistry award teams for improvements to manufacturing Sitagliptin (Januvia).


Net Zero Transportation

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Chris Chunting Mi

San Diego State University, San Diego, USA

Prof. Mi is Distinguished Professor and Director of the GATE Center for Electric Drive Transportation at San Diego State University. He is a Fellow of the Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE). His research interests include electric and hybrid vehicles, wireless power transfer, and power electronics. He won the IEEE Power Electronics Emerging Technology Award (2019) and the IEEE Vehicle and Transportation Systems Technology Achievement Award (2023).


Solar Power

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Xiaojing Hao  

University of New South Wales, New South Wales, Australia

Prof. Hao is Professor of the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering at the University of New South Wales. Her research focuses on low-cost, high-efficiency thin film solar cells and tandem solar cells, researching on various energy materials including Si and compound semiconductor materials. Prof Hao now leads a strong group in the above areas, achieving a number of efficiency records on emerging thin film solar cells. She was awarded 2020 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science and 2021 Australian Academy of Science Pawsey Medal.


Unconventional Fuels

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Praveen Linga 

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Prof. Linga is Professor of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at National University of Singapore. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). His research interests include gas hydrates, storage and transport of fuels, CCUS, seawater desalination, and recovery of energy. He is recognized among the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds and Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering by Clarivate Analytics.


Urban Planning

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Zhenjiang Shen 

Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan/Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China

Prof. Shen is Professor of the Division of Environmental Design at Kanazawa University in Japan, as well as Dean of the School of Urban and Rural Planning at Fuzhou University in China. He is a foreign Fellow of the Engineering Academy of Japan. His research interests include smart urban planning and construction that combines spatial planning, low-carbon construction, and smart technologies.


Wind Power

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Muk Chen Ong 

University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway

Prof. Ong is Professor and Leader of Ocean Technology Innovation Cluster at the University of Stavanger. He is a Fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences. His research interests include marine technologies and offshore wind turbines.

Advisory Board

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John Loughhead

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

Prof. Loughhead is former President of the UK Institution of Engineering and Technology; fellow of the UK and Australian Academies of Engineering; Chair of the Mission Innovation Steering Committee; former Chief Scientific Adviser, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; former Executive Director at the UK Energy Research Centre.


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Massamba Thioye

UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, Bonn, Germany

Dr. Thioye is Project Executive Officer of the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub at the UNFCCC. He is also Advisory Committee member of the European Green Digital Coalition and member of the Strategic Advisory Board of the “Net-Zero” initiative under ISO.

Executive Editor-in-Chief

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Xi Lu

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Prof. Lu is Assistant to Dean of the Institute for Carbon Neutrality and Professor of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University. His research interests include renewable energy technology and impact assessment methods, and regional net-zero development pathways. He was a Lecturer and Research Associate at Harvard University before joining Tsinghua.