The Crop Journal Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jianmin Wan
Home The Crop Journal All Issues Volume 3 Issue 1
Volume 3 Issue 1, February 2015
Research Papers
Research paper | Open Access
Divergence in homoeolog expression of the grain length-associated gene GASR7 during wheat allohexaploidization
Published: 05 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 1-9
Research paper | Open Access
Morphological characterization of fungi associated with the ascochyta blight complex and pathogenic variability of Mycosphaerella pinodes on field pea crops in central Alberta
Published: 05 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 10-18
Research paper | Open Access
Laboratory testing and molecular analysis of the resistance of wild and cultivated soybeans to cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)
Published: 05 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 19-28
Research paper | Open Access
Molecular genetic analysis of phosphomannomutase genes in Triticum monococcum
Published: 22 August 2014
2015, 3 (1): 29-36
Research paper | Open Access
Mapping the glaucousness suppressor Iw1 from wild emmer wheat “PI 481521”
Published: 13 December 2014
2015, 3 (1): 37-45
Research paper | Open Access
Radiation-induced in vitro mutagenesis system for salt tolerance and other agronomic characters in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)
Published: 13 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 46-56
Research paper | Open Access
Response of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) genotypes from semiarid regions of China to salt stress
Published: 05 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 57-66
Research paper | Open Access
Effects of rice or wheat residue retention on the quality of milled japonica rice in a rice–wheat rotation system in China
Published: 06 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 67-73
Research paper | Open Access
Characterization of the imprinting and expression patterns of ZAG2 in maize endosperm and embryo
Published: 15 December 2014
2015, 3 (1): 74-79
Short Communication
Short Communication | Open Access
Comparison of N uptake and internal use efficiency in two tobacco varieties
Published: 05 October 2014
2015, 3 (1): 80-86