hLife Open Access Editors-in-Chief: George F. Gao, Chen Dong, Jules A. Hoffmann
Home hLife All Issues Volume 2 Issue 8
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2024
5 articles
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Commentary | Open Access
Discovering broader antiviral strategies: Role of interferon-induced transmembrane proteins in virus infection
Published: 10 July 2024
2024, 2 (8): 377-379
Review | Open Access
Boosting CAR-T cell therapy with CRISPR technology
Published: 08 June 2024
2024, 2 (8): 380-396
Review | Open Access
Dysregulated STAT1 gain-of-function: Pathogen-free autoimmunity and fungal infection
Published: 07 March 2024
2024, 2 (8): 397-418
Article | Open Access
Why is the Omicron main protease of SARS-CoV-2 less stable than its wild-type counterpart? A crystallographic, biophysical, and theoretical study
Published: 15 June 2024
2024, 2 (8): 419-433
Letter | Open Access
BCMA-CD19 bispecific CAR-T therapy in refractory chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Published: 28 May 2024
2024, 2 (8): 434-438