The text should contain an Introduction that puts the paper into perspective for readers, and should also contain Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. The SI system should be used for units of measure throughout the text.
All digital arts, including micrographs, line arts, and grayscale images, included in the manuscript should be supplied in a separate electronic file in TIFF, EPS, or JPEG format with a preferred resolution of 600 dpi relative to the final figure size. All figures should be numbered using Arab numerals and supplied with a figure caption. Please make sure that all elements found in the figure are identified in the caption. Figures should always be cited in text, such as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, in consecutive numerical order.
All tables should be numbered using Arab numerals and supplied with a table title which explains clearly and concisely the components of the table. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript (for example, in figures). Tables should always be cited in the text, such as Table 1, Table 2, in consecutive numerical order.