Energy Materials and Devices Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Feiyu Kang
Home Energy Materials and Devices Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines

Updated November 1, 2024

Energy Materials and Devices (the Journal) is an interdisciplinary open-access journal which provides a platform for communicating investigations and research advances in the cutting-edge field of energy materials and devices.

The Journal accepts only submissions received through Manuscript Central; authors can track the status of their submissions through the same site. The Journal’s publisher, Tsinghua University Press is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), adhering to its principles and guidelines on transparency and trusted publishing. The Journal requires all submitted authors act under the guidance of COPE. Please review the editorial policies of the Journal before submitting a paper.

Below is a brief guideline for authors. Please contact the Editorial Office for more information.

New Manuscripts

Types of Manuscripts

Four types of manuscripts are considered:

  • Research Article: Full-length original articles that report comprehensive research developments, up to 15,000 words
  • Review: Review articles that inform readers of the latest research and advances in energy-related science, up to 15,000 words
  • Communications: Rapid communications that feature exciting research breakthroughs in the field, up to 8,000 words
  • Perspectives/Highlights: Invited submissions only, which comment on topical issues or express views on the developments in related fields

With the exception of the manuscript types listed above, Editorials are commissioned by the Editorial Board.

Preparing the Manuscript

Editorial Policies on Authorship and Contribution, Conflict of Interest, Plagiarism, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Tools, Overlapping Publications, Data Sharing and Reproducibility, and Peer-Review Policy should be referenced during manuscript preparation. The Journal assumes that all listed authors have agreed with the authorship, agreed with the contents, agreed with publishing in the Journal under an OA license, obtained consent from the related institute and subjects, retained the copyright, or obtained permissions from the copyright holder.

  • Language: The Journal accepts only manuscripts written in English. Please ensure that your manuscript is easy to read.
  • Format: Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx) are preferred. Although PDF format (.pdf) is acceptable for peer review, an editable Word document is required for copyediting.
  • Template: It is recommended that you use the Template for the Journal (see below) when preparing your manuscript; however, this is not a requirement of submission. The Journal endorses “Your-paper-Your-way”, which allows authors to focus more on the scientific quality of the manuscript as long as the mandatory content in the template appears in the correct order. However, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, continuous line numbers, and page numbers are strongly recommended to ensure your manuscript is readable for both reviewers and editors.
  • Anonymity: The Journal conducts a prepublication, double-anonymized peer review, by which the reviewer’s identity is not made visible to the author, the author’s identity is not made visible to the reviewer, and the reviewer and author identities are visible to the (decision-making) editor. Review is facilitated by the Journal, and the editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors. In a few instances, when the submitted manuscript has been released as a preprint, a single-anonymized peer review will be conducted with the rest policy identically.

Before submitting your manuscript, please delete all of the unnecessary instructions and examples from the template. Ensure that all parts of your manuscript are presented clearly. Manuscripts should be submitted as at least two documents: that Main Document (without author info) and Title Page and Declarations (with author info). If the submitted manuscript has been released as a preprint, the Journal should be informed.

Submitting the Manuscript

The Journal accepts submissions only through Manuscript Central, through which authors can also track the status of their submissions.

The information and documents below should be prepared for submission:

  • Manuscript information (mandatory): article type, title (<50 words), abstract (<200 words), keywords (3-8 words), specialty area (3-8 areas), funding (funder’s name and grant number), and conflict of interest.
  • Authorship information: every author’s name, e-mail address, prefix, contributor role, institution, address, and order; an ORCID ID is strongly recommended.
  • Reviewer information (optional): name, e-mail address, institution, and the reason for recommending or opposing the reviewer;
  • Documents: main document (mandatory, anonymous, for peer review), title page and declaration (mandatory, nonanonymous, not for peer review), electronic supplementary materials (optional, anonymous for peer review/nonanonymous not for peer review), and high-resolution images/figures/tables (optional, anonymous, for peer review);
  • Cover letter (mandatory): addressing the article title, why it is suitable for inclusion in the Journal, notice of potential conflicts of interest, and confirmation of manuscript integrity.

Once a manuscript is prepared for submission, you may begin a new submission in Manuscript Central, completing each step. Uploaded files must be placed in the correct order to be shown to the reviewers. Finally, you must confirm and complete your submission by pressing the Submit button. The corresponding author will receive a notification e-mail.

Please contact the Editorial Office if you have any problems with submission.

Revised Manuscripts

Preparing the Revised Manuscript

If your manuscript has received a decision of Minor/Major Revision, you may choose to revise your manuscript and resubmit as a revision to the last version of the manuscript or withdraw the manuscript after informing the Editorial Office. If you choose to revise and resubmit, make sure to read and consider all of the comments from the reviewers and the editor.

The information and documents below should be prepared for submission:

  • Manuscript information, in accordance with the revised manuscript;
  • Complete and correct authorship information; if changes to authorship are required, the Editorial Office must be informed by submitting a Change of Authorship Request form (see below) with the revision;
  • Documents, including the revised manuscript and other materials with both tracked changes and clean copies;
  • Response to reviewers, including a separate document that includes point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments indicating the revisions.

Submitting the Revision

Authors can log in to Manuscript Central and begin a revision task by linking to a manuscript with a revision decision. All information and documents that were submitted during the first-round submission will be automatically filled in. Make sure that all information correctly matches the revised manuscript, and remove the previous document if it needs to be replaced. The response to reviewers should be uploaded as the first document as it must appear in the very first for peer review. After completing all step-by-step procedures, similar to submitting a new manuscript, you will confirm and complete the submission by pressing the Submit button.

After Acceptance


An article will receive a DOI and article number once it is posted online as “Just Accepted” before copyediting and typesetting. After the manuscript receives a technical check and edit by in-house editors and undergoes typesetting, it will be sent back to the authors for proofreading. The article must be confirmed by the authors before it is officially published.

The authors should carefully check the entirety of their manuscript and correct any mistakes. The Editorial Office will review all corrections and determine whether they should be executed (technical mistakes), reviewed by scientific editors (scientific mistakes), or investigated/refused (integrity risks).

Post-publication Correction

If the authors have concerns about their published content, they can raise a correction request to the Editorial Office. The Editorial Office will review the request and react according to the Editorial Policies—Corrections and Retractions.


Authors may raise appeals over the conduct of editors and/or peer reviewers or pre-/post-publication decisions. Authors can send their appeals to the Editorial Office or personally to the Editor-in-Chief. Substantial evidence or new information must be presented. Appeals without any evidence will be ignored. Only one appeal will be considered per manuscript, and the Editor-in-Chief’s decision regarding the appeal is final. See also Editorial Policies—Appeals and Complaints.

Copyright and Permissions

All articles published in the Journal are copyrighted to the authors (©The Authors). The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license is applied to all articles published in the Journal by default, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. If the authors are requested to publish their works under the other licenses by their institution or the funder, they should consult the Editorial Office before submission. The authors will receive an e-mail request to sign a license to publish (below is an example). See also Editorial Policies—Copyright and Permissions.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Cost occurs in every aspect of academic publishing. To ensure the sustainability and quality of the publishing services, the article processing charge (APC) is charged for Open Access journals instead of the subscription fee. The Journal is an Open Access journal funded by Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University Press. The APC for Open Access publication is waived for authors before December 31, 2026 (submission time). See also Editorial Policies—Article Processing Charge (APC).