Journal of Food Bioactives Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Fereidoon Shahidi
Home Journal of Food Bioactives Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
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Guide for Authors

The Journal of Food Bioactives (JFB) aims to bring together the results of fundamental and applied research on food bioactives, functional food ingredients, nutraceuticals and natural health products that are known to possess or perceived to have health-promoting properties. The journal will cover different aspects related, but not limited, to the topics listed below in the form of research papers, short communications, opinion pieces and reviews.

Article type. Article types in JFB include Research, Review, Communication, Mini-Review, Perspectives and Letters to Editors. Please select the appropriate article type from the list of options during your submission. Articles for special issues should be designated to the appropriate one by selecting that special issue from this list.

Ethics for publishing. Before your preparation, please review JFB’s publishing Ethics for publishing and ethical guidelines for this journal.

Conflict of interest. Each author must disclose any conflict of interest that may include financial, personal or other relationships with other persons or institutions that could potentially influence their work, such as employment, consulting role, stock ownership, and grants or other funding among others. Authors are asked to complete the declaration of competing interest statement in the manuscript submission process.

Originality. Submission of a manuscript to JFB indicates that the content and work described in the article have not been published previously, except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis and have not been considered for publication elsewhere. The submission and publication in JFB have been approved by all authors and if accepted, will not be published elsewhere in any other form such as in an electronic version, in any other language, in any other region or country without the written consent of the JFB copyright.

Authorship. Please reference Ethics on JFB website. However, if an addition, deletion, or any other change of author names in the authorship of an accepted manuscript is requested by authors prior to publication online, the requests must be sent to the Editor-in-Chief and journal manager of JFB from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript and must include: (i) the reason for the change of authorship and (ii) a confirmation letter from all authors that they agree with the change. After an article is published online, any requests to change an authorship will not be allowed. A correction note for the change may be published in a later issue if the change is agreed by the Editor-in-Chief, journal manager and Editor board after an intensive review of the publishing Ethics and policy of JFB.

Copyright. Please refer to Ethics on JFB website.

Funding.  Authors are requested to identify the sources of financial support for the research and/or preparation of the article and to list the names and numbers of the funding sources.

Language. English. Latin names are required for names of plants, microorganism etc.

Submission. The submission of JFB manuscript is an online process with the ScholarOne manuscript submission system by following the guidelines in the submission system. After the submission, all communications are by e-mail via the author's homepage of JFB. If you are unable to submit your manuscript online, please contact the editorial office at:, or via JFB webpage:

Title page.

  • Title: Concise and informative.
  • Author names and affiliations. Authors' full names, detailed affiliation addresses and email addresses should be provided after the Title, including the full postal address of each author's affiliation, including the country name and postal zip code.
  • Corresponding author. The corresponding author’s email, phone number should be clearly indicated as the contact details must be updated.

Article structure. The manuscript should be divided into sections subsections, which include abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion. The sections could be numbered or bolded. Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections could be separated in numbered format as 1.1, 1.2…, or other format with clear distinctions. Any subsection should have a brief heading, which should appear as a separate line.

Section description. In general, the Tile of an article should be a concise and accurate description of the content. Abstract should provide a brief, accurate and specific description of the work done, results and the take home message. Keywords are important for indexing and search purposes.  Introduction should provide an adequate but concise background and clearly state the objectives of the work, avoiding a summary of others’ results. Material and methods should provide sufficient details so that the work is able to be repeated or reproduced. Published methods should be stated and cited by reference(s), but relevant modifications should be described as well as the gist of previously published details. The section of Results should be clear and concise. In the section of Discussion, the significance of the results of the work should be explored and appropriate results from others and references cited. A combined section of Results and Discussion is equally appropriate and encouraged in most cases. Under no circumstances, exaggerated citations and discussion of published literatures are regarded as redundancy and should be avoided. Conclusions of the study may be presented in a short section to emphasize the importance/novelty of the work.

Abstract. A concise and factual abstract must be provided. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the study, important results and major conclusions. References are not required except essential one(s). Non-standard abbreviations should not be used unless the essential one(s) is defined at their first mention in the abstract.

Keywords. Authors are required to submit 4-6 keywords associated with the submitted article.

Abbreviation. Abbreviations that are not standard should be defined at their first use in the main text and should be consistent throughout the article.

Acknowledgement. Acknowledgements in a separate section may be placed at the end of the article but before the list of references. Individuals who provided assistance during the study and manuscript preparation or providing materials and other relevant services should be acknowledged.

Nomenclature and unit. Internationally accepted rules and conventions such as the international system of units (SI) should be followed.

Artwork. The artwork files should be in an acceptable format (TIFF, EPS or MS Office files) and with the required resolution.

Tables and Figures. Tables and figures with captions may be presented within the main body of the manuscript. High resolution files of figures should be uploaded independently to avoid production delays if accepted for publication. Tables should be consecutively numbered in accordance with their appearance in the main text. Figures should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the main text. Each illustration must be accompanied with a caption. A caption should have a brief title/description of the illustration. Tables and Figures should be named as separate numbers, such as Table 1, Table 2…, Fig. A, Fig. B… Tables and Figures should be self-sufficient such that the reader can comprehend them without the need to read the entire manuscript.

Appendices. Appendices should be labeled as A, B,… if there is more than one. Formulae and equations should be labeled as separate numbers as Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2)… in appendix A and Eq. (B.1), Eq. (B2),… in appendix  B.

Page and Line number: Each manuscript should have page numbers and continuous line numbers throughout the entire article except the Title page.

Reference. Each reference cited in the text should be present in the reference list and vice versa. JFB has standard templates available in key reference management packages such as EndNote (

Reference style. All citations in the text should refer to the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association. References list should be arranged alphabetically first then sorted chronologically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year should be labeled as letters 'a', 'b', 'c', after the year of publication.

Journal Abbreviations Source.

  • Index Medicus journal abbreviations:
  • List of title word abbreviations:
  • CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service):

Author inquiry. Please visit JFB's homepage or email to for inquiries relating to manuscript submission, or the editorial process such as the status of manuscripts under review.

Peer Review. All manuscripts are sent to at least two expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the article. The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) is responsible for the final decision and the EIC's decision is final. Please visit JFB website for detailed process of peer review.  Manuscripts deemed unfit for inclusion in the journal may be rejected by the editor-in-chief prior to an external review process. Such cases may include being out of scope of the journal, without sufficient information or with high similarity to the already published literature.