Journal of Social Computing Open Access Editors-in-Chief: James EVANS, Xiaoming FU, Jar-Der LUO
Home Journal of Social Computing Notice List Call for Papers: Special Issue on Computational Science of Science and Innovation
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Computational Science of Science and Innovation

Computational agents, tools, and services are transforming the landscape of modern science. LLMs have rapidly become involved in critical scientific tasks ranging from hypothesis generation to paper writing. The distribution of open scientific code, open data, and the common task framework has accelerated research on specific topics and drawn it away from others, leading to increasingly “operational” or trivially reproducible papers. Moreover, the proliferation of preprint repositories across research domains has foreshortened the timescale of research, and also its granularity, enabling the public circulation of focused scientific ideas, demonstrations, and facts. Finally, emerging computational tools and data enable us novel perspectives on the scientific enterprise that were unavailable previously. 

  Relevant topics include:

  1. The spread of computational tools in science (e.g., LLMs, Jupyter Notebooks, GitHub repositories), and their influence on rates of production, content and conclusions of science.
  2. The increasing importance of pre-print repositories across fields, and their influence on the speed, shape, and dissemination of scientific ideas.
  3. The rising prevalence of open code, open data, and open task frameworks on scientific reproducibility and collective focus.
  4. Novel perspectives on past and present scientific activity through emerging computational approaches.
  5. The analysis of scientific data and meta-data, covering issues including:

         Scientific collaboration;

         Team size and structure;

         Diversity of participation in science;

         Relevance of scientific topics to stakeholder needs across society;

         The prevalence of “me-search” in social and behavioral science;

         The influence of scientific funding.

Submission Guidelines

Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library as open access. No page charges will be requested for publications. No page limitations are set for paper submissions and publications. Paper submission link: The manuscript type should be selected as “Special Issue on Computational Science of Science and Innovation”. Further information on the journal is available at:

Guest Editor

Dr Huilian Sophie Qiu, Northwestern University, USA. E-mail: