Cancer Innovation Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Fei Ma
Keyword: immunotherapy
Review | Open Access
Neoantigen vaccine and neoantigen‐specific cell adoptive transfer therapy in solid tumors: Challenges and future directions
Published: 30 August 2022
2022, 1 (2): 168-182
Original Article | Open Access
An integrated analysis of C5AR2 related to malignant properties and immune infiltration of gliomas
Published: 05 October 2022
2022, 1 (3): 240-251
Original Article | Open Access
Comprehensive analysis of the prognostic impact and immune implication of KIAA1429 in lung adenocarcinoma
Published: 16 December 2022
2022, 1 (4): 328-343
Review | Open Access
Advances in medical treatment of advanced hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer in 2022
Published: 01 March 2023
2023, 2 (1): 36-51
Review | Open Access
Progress in phase Ⅲ clinical trials of molecular targeted therapy and immunotherapy for glioblastoma
Published: 05 March 2023
2023, 2 (2): 114-130
Review | Open Access
Advances and prospects of drug clinical research in colorectal cancer in 2022
Published: 05 March 2023
2023, 2 (2): 99-113
Case Report | Open Access
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma transformation: A novel acquired drug resistance mechanism in colorectal adenocarcinoma
Published: 20 March 2023
2023, 2 (2): 159-164
Review | Open Access
Radiotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and cryoablation‐induced abscopal effect: Challenges and future prospects
Published: 23 February 2023
2023, 2 (5): 323-345
Review | Open Access
Organoid co‐culture models of the tumor microenvironment promote precision medicine
Published: 17 December 2023
2024, 3 (1): e101
Original Article | Open Access
Clinical significance, molecular characterization, and immune microenvironment analysis of coagulation‐related genes in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Published: 07 January 2024
2024, 3 (1): e105
Total 14